
PatBase is the leading global patent search platform and is the only commercial patent database designed by professional searchers, for professional searchers.
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The number one international patent search resource

With a click of a button, PatBase gives you access to millions of patents, litigation results, legal status information, documentation and more. Developed by RWS in partnership with Minesoft, PatBase is the market-leading international patent search database. Covering over 100 million patents and related documents from over 100 countries, it boasts the most extensive patent and IP data coverage in the world.

RWS originally designed an internal database to provide our searchers with a superior professional search tool. We then joined forces with Minesoft Ltd and, in 2003, launched PatBase as a powerful international patent database. Today, over 50,000 users worldwide have access to +109 million patent and related documents on a user-friendly interface available in English, Japanese and Chinese.

Start using PatBase today! Click here to register free.



  • Flexibility: choice of command line or search forms to create queries. 
  • Coverage: over 66 million full text documents from over 105 authorities worldwide, grouped in families for efficient searching. 
  • Machine translations: important data is accessible in most languages. 
  • Integrated links: click-through services to extend and verify your search beyond the front page.
Document magnifying glass


  • Customizable display: tailor the record display according to your needs. 
  • Highlighting functions: automatic keyword highlighting and a Hit Analyzer for easy review of full text. 
  • Graphical overview: snapshot tool for immediate overview of trends, or the Visual Explorer in PatBase Express to explore results. 
  • Custom display fields: tag records with valuable internal classification fields – these client-specific criteria can be made searchable.
Stopwatch translation software


  • Dynamic Folders: share results folders with colleagues for collaborative work or publish to external users or clients. 
  • Alerts & RSS feeds: automatically monitor a competitor or technology area and send results to unlimited recipients. 
  • Express users: publish PatBase folders to PatBase 
  • Express to share important records with your end users.
Avatars group


  • Identify emerging trends from your results and create reports to communicate your findings with colleagues. 
  • Flexible exports: batch export data in XML or CSV for analysis, or create reports in HTML, Word or Excel. 
  • Visualize patent data through detailed and transparent graphs to extract meaningful insights, gain competitive intelligence and understand the landscape. 
  • Export for further analysis: export directly to third-party tools for further analysis.
Avatar chart content card
PatBase by the numbers Search with speed and ease
  • 50,000 subscribers
  • 78 million+ Latin and non-Latin full texts
  • 60 million+ patent families
  • 86 million+ representative images
  • 133 million+ publications
  • 77 million+ complete sets of drawings
  • 105 publishing bodies
  • Historical data dating back to the early 1900s
  • 67+ full-text collections

PatBase, a truly global platform, is the only commercial database designed by professional searchers for professional searchers. Its key features and benefits include:

  • Extensive legal history data updated weekly
  • Ability to browse full-text search results and view the research results map to see where in the full text the hits occur
  • Intuitive, user-friendly interface in English, Japanese and Chinese
  • Storage of backward and forward citations with a rich citations viewer to analyse the data
  • Supports Evidence of Use, Freedom to Operate, Novelty, Patent Watch and more
  • Weekly or monthly notifications about new publications that match predefined search criteria
  • Searchable, on-demand, high-quality machine translation in 27 language pairs
  • Organized into over 60 million patent families, saving time and reducing duplication

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We are RWS

We are the world leader in intellectual property (IP) services

With rigorous search protocols certified to ISO 9001 and industry-leading, innovative technology, we are the preferred IP services partner for companies, law firms, licensing organizations and tech transfer offices worldwide. We also offer high-quality legal translation, foreign patent filing, research and database services.

We have helped more than 10,000 clients protect and enforce their IP rights around the world and can do the same for you. Contact us for customized search proposals and details of other RWS search and information services.
