Communication and direction setting
Communication and dialogue are vital within RWS. It includes all types of communication and consultation between RWS colleagues on all manner of topics including business direction and performance, social issues, environmental concerns, well-being and various other areas of common interest.

Last year we developed a new strategy, purpose and values for the Group and launched them to our stakeholders. This year, with travel becoming much easier, we incorporated more in-person senior leader-led town halls into our communication mix, and refined our messaging around strategy to make it both simpler and directly connected to the specific work of our frontline colleagues around the world.
In June we again brought our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) together in the UK to remind ourselves of our organisational purpose and values, and to review and assess progress on our medium-term strategy. This ensures we align our most senior team with our organisational goals before bringing everything to life throughout the business under this group’s combined leadership.
In September we introduced a powerful new Microsoft Teams' community for all people leaders in the business. Our middle-manager group expressed a desire to be more pro-actively involved and informed of important organisational developments in order that they might be better equipped to play a more active role in explaining and supporting the delivery of these messages and changes as they are rolled out. This people leaders Microsoft Teams' group will be a key channel for involving them.