JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. Developers need a way to describe and exchange data whether it is a database, user interfaces, business logic and in all systems communication. JSON is a text-based format, and hence it is readable by both people and machines as opposed to binary format.

Example use cases

  • Works with modern programming languages such as Python, Ruby, and Java 
  • For data transmission between a server and web applications
  • In JavaScript-based applications, such as web browser extensions and websites
  • Works with APIs and web services for publishing public data
  • Simplifies complex data by converting the data extraction process into a meaningful and predictable JSON file format

Key benefits

  • A lightweight format for storing and transporting data and hence very efficient 
  • ‘Self-describing’ and easy to understand
  • Easy to parse and use 
  • Quick to access and manipulate as JSON data only contain texts 
  • Language independent: create and use it in other programming languages 
  • Better schema support