Content intelligence
Content intelligence is an advanced content analysis technique that uses data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence to generate meaningful insights on content.
Content intelligence includes multiple types of analysis and data processing techniques such as content governance, data extraction, semantic understanding, content personalization, content optimization, workflow automation, search and retrieval operations.
To conduct such an analysis, an organization requires a content intelligence software module that is either part of or can be integrated with its content management system (CMS).
What is content intelligence used for?
Content intelligence is used for extracting meaningful insights about content such as what part is being used, by whom, how much, what piece of content is most relevant and so on.
This analysis method can be applied to any content type from technical documentation to marketing content.
Why is content intelligence useful?
Content intelligence is useful because it helps organizations understand what content is most in demand and why. Having this knowledge helps inform better strategic and tactical decisions to create content, be it for internal or external use.
Organizations can use a content intelligence tool to assess the return on investment (ROI) for their content creation.
With component content management software, content teams can reuse content components, which leads to improved accuracy and efficiency, resulting in better quality documentation and reduced creation time. Content reporting features enable teams to measure content reuse and provide ROI metrics, identify cost savings generated by the use of componentized content, validate team efficiency and productivity by business unit and create other custom reports according to their specific needs.