Join us in Supporting Translators without Borders this Holiday Season!

Lee Densmer 17 Dec 2019
Join us in Supporting Translators without Borders this Holiday Season!
This holiday season, we wish you joy, peace and love. It’s easy to get caught up in the abundance of the holidays, yet not everyone worldwide gets to experience it. Reports of violence, illness and poverty leave us all wondering what we can do. To support global humanitarian efforts, RWS Moravia is a long-time supporter and Diamond Sponsor of Translators without Borders. TWB is a non-profit that provides language and translation services on a global scale specifically in the areas of healthcare, nutrition and education. This year, RWS Moravia will donate $1 to TWB for every unique view of our holiday video. [wistia id="8bf87gvvn4" width="500px" type="popup"] Be sure to share the link on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to both spread our holiday cheer and increase our contribution to this vital organization. From all of us at RWS Moravia, we hope you enjoy this holiday season and best wishes for a very happy new year!
Lee Densmer

Lee Densmer

Lee Densmer has been in the localization industry since 2001, starting as a project manager and moving up into solutions architecture and marketing management. Like many localization professionals, she entered the field through an interest and education in languages. She holds a master’s in linguistics from University of Colorado. Lee lives in Idaho, and enjoys foreign travel and exploring the mountains of the region.
All from Lee Densmer