Patentmark S.R.L.

Established: 1990 | Number of Professional Staff: 16
Operates in Moldova, Romania

Provided patent filings

European Validation

RWS European validation agent in the Moldova and Romania
Patentmark mediates in all types of intellectual property rights: patents, trademarks, models, domain names, plant varieties and copyrights.
For over 80 years, Patentmark has served and continues to serve its clients effectively. Its tools and procedures have constantly evolved to meet its clients’ requirements and needs.
It has extensive and diversified experience, enabling it to remain a major player in the field of intellectual property in Romania.
The firm is supported by a network of carefully selected correspondents in all countries, which allows it to respond quickly and effectively throughout the world.
Its clients are assured of its daily commitment to acquiring and defending their intellectual property rights.


  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical Science
  • Electrical
  • Genetics
  • IT
  • Mechanical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Software


2, Dr. N. Tumescu Str. 050467 Bucharest, Romania