South Korea
Supported patent filings
Deadline: | 31 months | |
Power of Attorney: | Yes* | |
Assignments: | No | |
Language: | Korean | |
Translation Extension: | Yes** | |
Excess Claims Fee: | No | |
Examination Request: | Optional at filing or deferred | |
Country Notes: |
* Unlike most countries that require signed forms from the applicant, the Korean Patent Office accepts faxed or scanned copies of specific Powers of Attorney and Assignment forms. General forms must still be mailed in hard copy.
Deadline: | 12 months | |
Power of Attorney: | Yes* | |
Assignments: | No | |
Language: | Korean | |
Translation Extension: | Yes** | |
Excess Claims Fee: | No | |
Examination Request: | Optional at filing or deferred | |
Country Notes: |
* Unlike most countries that require signed forms from the applicant, the Korean Intellectual Property Office accepts scanned copies of documents.