Supported patent filings
Deadline: | 31 months |
Power of Attorney: | Yes |
Assignments: | No |
Language: | Vietnamese |
Translation Extension: | No |
Excess Claims Fee: | No |
Examination Request: | Optional at filing or deferred |
Country Notes: | N/A |
Deadline: | 12 months | |
Power of Attorney: | Yes* | |
Assignments: | Sometimes** | |
Language: | Vietnamese | |
Translation Extension: | No | |
Excess Claims Fee: | No | |
Examination Request: | Optional at filing or deferred | |
Country Notes: |
* Power of Attorney forms need to be filed, but neither notarization nor legalization is required. If the forms cannot be submitted at filing, it is possible to file late as a response to the IP Vietnam’s Notification of Deficiencies (at a cost) within one month, with an extension of further one month, from the date of Office Action.
Recommended Agents
inovia: A smarter approach to foreign patent filing