Supported patent filings

European Validation
Deadline: 3 months (from the date of publication of mention of grant)
London Agreement? No
Official Language: Polish
Translations Required: Yes
Forms: Yes
PCT National Phase Entry
Deadline: 30 months
Power of Attorney: Yes
Assignments: No*
Language: Polish
Translation Extension: No
Excess Claims Fee: No
Examination Request: Automatically examined
Country Notes:

* Statement of entitlement required.

Direct Filing
Deadline: 12 months
Power of Attorney: Yes
Assignments: No
Language: Polish
Translation Extension: No
Excess Claims Fee: No
Examination Request: Automatically examined
Country Notes:

• Certified copy of the Priority Document is required within three months of filing. A translation of the priority document is only required for non-convention languages and must be submitted within three months of filing.

• Information of the primary transfer of the right to patent is required at filing. The document evidencing the transfer is not required unless later requested by the IP Office.

