Current and future trends in machine translation

John Tinsley 24 Nov 2021 6 mins
At Elevate – the Trados online conference series, Dr. John Tinsley from the Language Weaver team discussed the latest trends in the world of machine translation (MT) and AI both in the research community at large, as well as at RWS.
In addition to an extensive Q&A session with a live audience, the presentation touched on topics including:
  • The evolution of machine translation over the past 70 years, from rule-based to statistical to neural MT.
  • The rapid rise of neural machine translation over the past 5 years and the current state-of-the art in terms of terminology, multilingual models, and MT for under-resourced languages.
  • What does the future hold for MT and AI research? John discusses the status of topics such as context-aware translation, automated quality estimation, and broader applications of MT that go beyond translation.
  • Where does Language Weaver – the machine translation and AI technology at RWS – fit into these trends and what can we expect over the next 12 months?
Check out the presentation in full below, including the Q&A session.