Contenta S1000D CSDB data sheet

Not all S1000D solutions are equal. With Contenta, you know that you've got a Common Source Data Base (CSDB) prescribed by the S1000D standard, designed to facilitate content reuse for greater content accuracy along with lower production costs. The CSDB is your hub for storage and management of all of your technical content, not just S1000D but all SGML/XML and legacy data. 

This is an enterprise scalable solution that supports: 

  • Multiple S1000D issues simultaneously within the CSDB and throughout the publish and delivery cycle 
  • Distributed workgroups 
  • A variety of tools to assure quality data (including a graphical workflow editor, applicability assistant, BREX checker and reference validator), improving user productivity and compliance with business rules 

Download the data sheet to find out more.

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