Patent Agency RESTMARK

Established: 2009 | Number of Professional Staff: 4
Operates in Estonia

Provided patent filings

European Validation

RWS European validation agent in Estonia

Patent Agency RESTMARK is known as a professional and reliable partner offering a wide variety of services in the field of intellectual property protection in Estonia. The company was founded in 2009 but the company’s core team has been involved in intellectual property much longer.  

The longstanding experience and high competence of the attorneys have made Patent Agency RESTMARK an efficient intellectual property law firm that can provide services in all aspects of intellectual property rights, including prosecution and enforcement of patents, trademarks, and designs, litigation in intellectual property law disputes, and monitoring validity terms and payment of annuities and renewal fees. Estonia`s digital society, with its well-developed IT sector and fast-growing start-up community, has greatly boosted the growth of Patent Agency RESTMARK, whose clients are domestic and international businesses of different sizes.   

Patent Agency RESTMARK represents clients before the Estonian Patent Office, Industrial Property Board of Appeals, courts and other institutions in Estonia but also before the European Union Intellectual Property Office and World Intellectual Property Organisation.


  • European Patent Validations 
  • High-quality Patent Translations into Estonian
  • Prosecution and Litigation of Patents
  • Prosecution and Litigation of Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs)
  • Prosecution and Litigation of Designs, Trademarks


Kompanii 1c, Tartu 51004, Estonia

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