Established: 2001 | Number of Professional Staff: 23
Operates in France
Provided patent filings
Direct Filing
RWS Direct (Paris Convention) agent in France
Ipsilon is ranked among the top 15 patent filing firms in France. The firm is committed to providing a personalized service. Understanding that every IP matter is inherently different, Ipsilon is committed to obtaining a full understanding of its clients’ activities in order to provide them with a tailor-made service, adapted to individual requirements, recognising that its clients’ patents form part of their intangible assets and are of strategic importance for development. All of its services are subject to rigorous quality control.
The firm offers a complete range of patent, trademark and design services. The team of nearly 20 patent attorneys and engineers can tackle all technological areas (electronics, physics, optics, mechanical engineering, chemistry and biotech, etc.). Its flexible working methods allow it to assist national and foreign companies of any size. Ipsilon is equipped with modern and efficient IT tools that guarantee prompt and effective handling of its clients’ instructions and allow it to provide the highest level of service in a timely manner.
- Biotech
- Chemistry
- Electronics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Optics
- Physics
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