
Delivering a bespoke Freedom to Operate program

RWS delivers an FTO program that increases efficiency, saves time and improves outcomes for a major manufacturer of consumer electronics.
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A global consumer products corporation needed a robust program for evaluating potential infringement risks in all key territories before their goods hit the shelves. The company works to high volumes and tight deadlines, and therefore required a highly coordinated approach. Cost control and quality was a critical element of the program. The client asked RWS to deliver an improved FTO program to meet these requirements.


  • The client operates a ‘fast to market’ business model, and therefore required faster delivery of results
  • Cost control was critical - work orders needed to be both clearly defined and highly economical
  • With hundreds of matters per year, the quality of the research needed to be high and aligned to the identified risk level


  • RWS IP Research: Freedom-to-Operate


  • RWS devised and delivered a successful FTO program
  • Reduced the research phase to 2-3 weeks
  • The new process resulted in a surge in order volumes