Infringement: Uncovering case-winning prior art for a Fortune 100 electronics company
RWS conducts a Crowd-based search to scour unique and diverse resources, uncovering the winning piece of prior art.

A Fortune 100 electronics company was the target of an infringement litigation suit from an ambitious Non-Practicing Entity (NPE). The technology in question was included in a core component of the electronics company’s most recognized product; losing the case was not an option.
The client had previously conducted a number of prior art searches utilizing both their own internal research teams and traditional prior art search firms. They spent weeks on research, scouring databases and assorted global resources. None of the searches were successful. They then contacted RWS for help.
- The client was the target of a high-stakes litigation suit
- Previous attempts to locate the necessary prior art had been unsuccessful
- RWS IP Research: Crowd-based search
- The RWS research community over 1500 references
- This included four pieces of case-winning prior art, including magazine articles published in the 1980s.
- RWS was the only research firm able to locate unique and usable prior art
- The art was later leveraged in litigation and allowed the client to find an invalidity contention.
- The case was successfully resolved, and client avoided having to pay out millions of dollars