How can RWS help ensure your content complies with Quebec’s Bill 96

Quebec’s Bill 96 imposes new obligations on businesses regarding the use of Canadian French in workplaces, commerce, contracts and more.  In the leadup to the June 1, 2025 compliance deadline, there are several language-related actions that businesses with more than 25 employees in Quebec need to take.
Learn more about Bill 96 including: 
  • What areas of your business may be impacted 
  • Why having a language partner in Quebec can make compliance easier
  • How RWS can help your business navigate these new legal requirements

Request a Consultation

Ready to speak with a specialist about your Quebec Bill 96 compliance needs?
To learn more about Bill 96 and to assess whether your company is subject to its requirements, please review Chapter C-11 Charter of the French Language:
English version
Canadian French version